LOS ANGELES, CA. – Lucky Strike Film Festival, a very friendly event organized by the production company LUCKY STRIKE FILMS STUDIOS, hosted a North Hollywood premiere of the film AMERICAN MIRROR: INTIMATIONS OF IMMORTALITY. The festival, which contemplates two main categories, feature length and shorts, chose the film as winner of Best Feature Film category. Director and producer of the film Arthur Balder was presented with the award by producer, director and writer Romane A. Simon, head of Lucky Strike Films Studios.
This is particularly moving because it represents a sincere recognition coming directly from other peers and production companies, and it is specially important as what it means for the sake of non-biased, truthful appreciation of other peers’ work. In general in this industry, not everybody dares to do even a 1% of that, even being themselves part of the films where others must put in countless months, years, of work behind the cameras which at a later date do have a meaningful, positive, even profitable impact (direct or indirect) on the image and careers of those who appear in front of the cameras for just a few hours.
Thank you, Romane. A. Simon!